Baldur’s Gate 3

Titulný obrázok pre Baldur’s Gate 3

Do Baldur's Gate sa vrátilo prastaré zlo, ktoré ju chce pohltiť zvnútra. Osud Faerunu leží vo vašich rukách. Sám môžeš vzdorovať. Ale spoločne môžete zvíťaziť.

Oficiálne odkazy:
Dátum vydania:
PlayStation 5 - 6.9.2023
PC (Microsoft Windows) - 3.8.2023
Mac - 6.9.2023
Xbox Series X S - 8.12.2023
PC (Microsoft Windows) - 6.10.2020
Mac - 6.10.2020
Google Stadia - 6.10.2020
Platformy: PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia
Vývojár: Larian Studios
Vydavateľ: Larian Studios
Herné módy: Hra pre jedného hráča (Singleplayer), Hra pre viacerých hráčov (Multiplayer), Co-operative, Rozdelená obrazovka (Split screen)
Herný engine: Divinity Engine
Pohľad hráča: Vtáčí pohľad / Izometrický (Bird view)
Príbeh hry:

The land of Faerûn is in turmoil. Refugees cross the wilds, fleeing the helltorn stronghold of Elturel. A vicious cult marches across the Sword Coast, uniting every race of monsters and men under the banner of a cryptic god they call the Absolute. Chaos strikes at Faerûn's foundations, and none may escape its talons. Not even you. The grotesque nautiloid ship appears out of nowhere, blotting out the sun. Its writhing tentacles snatch you from where you stand. The mind flayers have come, imprisoning you on their ship, infecting you with their horrid parasite. You will become one of them. By fate or fortune, you survive when the nautiloid crashes in the Sword Coast outlands. You set out for civilisation, desperate for a cure for the parasite festering in your brain, only to take centre stage in a conspiracy that runs as deep as the Nine Hells. New enemies await. As for old foes... the shadows stir. And all roads lead to the legendary city of Baldur's Gate.

Vekové odporúčanie:
USK rating 18GRAC rating 18+PEGI rating 18ESRB rating MClassInd rating 16ACB rating MA 15+
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