Beyond: Two Souls

Jedinečný psychologický akčný thriller, v ktorom sa predstavia áčkoví hollywoodski herci Elliot Page a Willem Dafoe, Beyond: Dve duše vás vezme na napínavú cestu naprieč celým svetom, počas ktorej si zahráte pozoruhodný život Jodie Holmesovej.
Dátum vydania:
PlayStation 3 - 8.10.2013
PlayStation 4 - 24.11.2015
PC (Microsoft Windows) - 18.6.2020
PlayStation 4 - 26.11.2015
PlayStation 3 - 8.10.2013
PlayStation 4 - 24.11.2015
PC (Microsoft Windows) - 18.6.2020
PlayStation 4 - 26.11.2015
Adventúrne, Sci-fi, Thriller, Dramatické
PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4
Quantic Dream
Sony Computer Entertainment
Herné módy:
Hra pre jedného hráča (Singleplayer), Hra pre viacerých hráčov (Multiplayer), Co-operative
Pohľad hráča:
Pohľad z tretej osoby (Third person)
Príbeh hry:
Experience the most striking moments throughout 15 years of Jodie’s life as she grows from a confused child into a crack CIA agent, and discovers who she really is. As she traverses the globe, Jodie will face incredible challenges set against a backdrop of emotionally-charged events never before seen in a video game. Create your own personal journey as your decisions and actions shape the course of the story.
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