Spec Ops: The Line

Titulný obrázok pre Spec Ops: The Line

Strieľačka z pohľadu tretej osoby, v ktorej sú traja americkí vojaci pod vedením kapitána Walkera vyslaní do Dubaja, aby získali zvyšky pechotnej jednotky 33. práporu, kým sa nerozhodnú podniknúť akciu proti militantom nachádzajúcim sa v meste. Ako však postupujú, logistická a etická zložitosť ich cieľa sa prehlbuje a ich vnímanie seba samých, ako aj ich nepriateľa, je spochybnené.

Oficiálne odkazy:
Dátum vydania:
PC (Microsoft Windows) - 28.6.2012
PlayStation 3 - 28.6.2012
Xbox 360 - 28.6.2012
PC (Microsoft Windows) - 29.6.2012
Xbox 360 - 29.6.2012
PC (Microsoft Windows) - 29.6.2012
Xbox 360 - 29.6.2012
PlayStation 3 - 29.6.2012
Xbox 360 - 30.8.2012
PlayStation 3 - 30.8.2012
Platformy: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Mac
Vývojár: Yager Development
Vydavateľ: 2K Games, Take-Two Interactive
Herné módy: Hra pre jedného hráča (Singleplayer), Hra pre viacerých hráčov (Multiplayer)
Séria: Spec Ops
Herný engine: Unreal Engine
Pohľad hráča: Pohľad z tretej osoby (Third person)
Príbeh hry:

The game will follow the story of player character Captain Martin Walker (voiced by Nolan North) as he is sent into a post-apocalyptic Dubai with an elite Delta Force bravo team. Previously, Dubai was a wealthy area with many high profile citizens until catastrophic sandstorms left a majority of the city buried. This caused many to evacuate, leaving only a few behind. One of the people left behind was U.S. Army Colonel John Konrad (a reference to the author of Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad), a founding member of Delta Force, who refused to evacuate from a training facility in the city and instead remained behind with the men under his command to help protect the citizens that could not evacuate. After several weeks of no contact, the Army fears that Col. Konrad and his men are lost to the destruction of the city until a weak distress signal is picked up. This gives the Army reason to deploy the player and their squad, who must infiltrate the city, neutralize outlaws and survive sandstorms as they attempt to determine what happened to Konrad and his men. Through the narrative in the trailer and sound clips from the game's website it is hinted that Konrad may not have entirely genuine motivations for remaining in Dubai against orders.

Vekové odporúčanie:
ESRB rating MPEGI rating 18GRAC rating 18+ACB rating MA 15+CERO rating ZUSK rating 18ClassInd rating 16
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